Last week I was with my daughter and grandson when we dropped him off at his elementary school. So fun!
My daughter made the comment that they were always trying to hurry everyone through the line. I had to stifle a laugh.
I was reminded of the signs I ordered from a sign company (no longer in business, sorry!) when I first started as an administrator. I regret I don’t remember the name of the principal that gave me the idea. He was so gracious to send me his pictures behind his school, too. Alas, too many years ago!
We didn’t do any timed “before and after” sign placement to see if it sped up the process, but it did put smiles on parent and student’s faces! We received wonderful feedback over the years. The signs faded (and were repainted by one of my office staff!) but the impact never did.
“GRAB YOUR BACKPACK NOW” was sign #1 they saw when rounding the corner to get in line.
“UNBUCKLE YOUR SEAT BELT” was #2. Notice how far the signs are spaced out? The cement area just beyond the next sign is where the students walked into the school.
My personal favorite is #3
The “WELCOME TO SCHOOL” sign then was located right before walking through the doors.
Some of the simplest ideas bring the biggest smiles.
Do you have a unique idea for welcoming your students to school? Share with us in the comments below!
Lead joyfully,
Gail Boulton
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