Do you celebrate your staff’s accomplishments? A few years ago, my husband and I traveled to a neighboring state to watch our grandson play baseball in a tournament. I believe he was 8 or 9 years old at the time. After winning a game, the coach sat them down (with all the parents and grandparents around) and proceeded to tell them everything they needed to
Teach and Model the Behaviors That You Are Looking For
During my elementary school teaching years, I worked with students that came from great families and unfortunately some that did not. I had students that heard more negative than positive comments in their lives…and much worse. At times, my elementary age students would get grumpy and say something ugly (a Texas word for bad) to a classmate. I would tell them something along the lines
Embarrassing Moments Happen to Everyone
Showing up at work with two different shoes (when it’s NOT the national holiday for that!), wearing a piece of clothing inside out, coming out of the restroom with your skirt hiked up and showing your backside, etc. We’ve ALL had embarrassing moments in our lives. I started young. My momma told me on more than one occasion, “Gail, what happens to you happens to
Physical Touch: Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for details here. Physical Touch Physical Touch is included in the book, 5 Languages of Love which makes perfect sense to me. But when it comes to the workplace, the subject of physical touch gets…a little touchy! The authors of The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace acknowledge this fact but believe “appropriate acts
Ideas for Appreciating Your Staff
It was alarming to me to read research released by The Gallup Group, that only 87% of the workforce is either partially engaged or totally disengaged. In other words, they are physically there but not mentally or emotionally. YIKES! I was in a store a couple of days later and sadly got a first-hand look at this. I asked the lady behind the counter a
3 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teachers
This post may contain affiliate links. See the full disclosure here. Early in my teaching career, my principal called a leadership team meeting. Sitting on top of the table in the conference room was a small pre-k size blue chair. The chair represented our students. I was told to keep my students first and foremost. Taking care of the needs of our students was to be everyone’s
How is Staff Morale?
I recently asked elementary principals to rate their staff morale on a scale from 1-10 (10 being out-of-this-world wonderful!). Over 100 principals responded. Here is how they rated staff morale: The responses came in the month of May. Typically, a month where teachers are administering end-of-year testing and well, end-of-year EVERYTHING has set in! My heart was saddened by principals dealing with “school closings”, “needed staff
Busy, busy, busy!! For most of you, the school year has come to an end. Congratulations! I hope you are taking the time for reflection and looking at all the positives this year held. If you are in a leadership position, I know some of you are already planning for next year…or…perhaps the next big thing. But please, please, give yourself permission to rest first.
9 Different Staff Team Building and Problem Solving Activities
Are you looking for good team-building and problem-solving activities? Here are a few I’ve tried as an elementary school principal. If I thought it was accomplished with a good amount of success, I gave those activities a “thumbs up”. I’ll also share a few that I thought fell short! Look for the “thumbs down”! MAKE YOUR BED I call this one, “Make your Bed” as
Spreading JOY (Even When You Don’t Feel Like It!)
This post may contain affiliate links. See the full disclosure here. “It’s not often that I receive an email that does not include a due date, complaint or request.” This statement was embedded in a return email to me from an elementary school principal after I sent her a thank you! A sad statement but a truthful one I know. I realize by reason of the