Meet Luz, one of my more-than-fantastic custodians when I was an elementary principal. She was the first person on campus most mornings and quickly circled that whole school making sure all the inside doors were unlocked. And by the way, she was not the only wonderful custodian on campus. I was very thankful for my staff! I was especially grateful for Luz though one summer when I walked out of the restroom with my skirt still tucked in at the waistline in the back. You’d think I would’ve felt the breeze or something, but I didn’t have a clue that my backside was showing!
I left the restroom after washing my hands and went to find the custodians. It was during their lunchtime and I wanted to bring them a sweet treat for all their hard work. Lots of laughter and fun at the tables! But the laughter stopped when I started to turn around to go back down the hall. I looked back and saw Luz motioning wildly at me. Bless her heart. I’m not sure how many that day got to see a “new side” of the principal, but I am eternally grateful to them for not making it common knowledge around the school. Of course, I took care of that by telling the story myself!
Building relationships with your staff is so important. Treat them with respect and honor they deserve (and even when they don’t deserve it!). Being thankful for the small…and big things that they do every day is paramount. It might even save your “backside” one day.
Here are a few inexpensive and ready-to-go downloads to appreciate those around you!
The “Thank You Cards for Support Staff” in my store include cards for: Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Workers, Secretary, Counselor, Custodians, Crossing Guard, Nurse, Librarians’, Principals, Teachers, PLUS four generic cards.
For more details, click the picture(s).
Or theme-based Thank You Cards…
Or…the School Appreciation Days are a great way to boost morale and tell support staff on their individual holiday how wonderful they are. I have a FREE calendar of the events you need to grab here!
How do you go about building relationships or showing your appreciation with those you work with or within your family unit? Share with us!
Lead joyfully,
Gail Boulton
That is a funny story! Humility builds character right?! We (mostly my wife) worked a lot with teachers and admin staff while our disabled daughter was in school. When the staff had a good attitude it really made things go so much easier. My wife went on to become a teacher’s assistant within the special education class and remains a para-professional to this day!
Thank you for sharing. Bless you AND your wife! Please tell her thank you for your service!
My elementary campus was fortunate to house the special needs unit for our district. I (and the staff) fell in love with our handi-capable kids.
It sounds like your wife & daughter’s needs branched out serve the needs of many!! Isn’t God good!
I love this story! One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to be able to laugh at ourselves! You make me smile!
Thank you, Sue.
Smiling is good. Glad to help out!
I love that you appreciate those who are too often overlooked! Such a great perspective…on gratitude and on embarrassing moments!
Thank you for your kind words, Debbi!
What a great story! I love that you said to treat your staff with honor and respect,even when they don’t deserve it. Not all principals can do that, administrators can really make or break the school culture. Loved the appreciation cards as well!
Thanks so much, Dannielle! I appreciate you stopping by!
What a great way to highlight the meaningfulness of your staff! The little things really mean a lot. I work in the school system myself, and I often feel unappreciated. Thank you for encouraging people to show their appreciation. Great story!!!
If you work in the school system, let me tell you first of all, THANK YOU for your service! And I believe with all my heart, what you are doing is making a difference. Keep up the good work for it truly is…good work.