I recently asked elementary principals to rate their staff morale on a scale from 1-10 (10 being out-of-this-world wonderful!). Over 100 principals responded. Here is how they rated staff morale:
The responses came in the month of May. Typically, a month where teachers are administering end-of-year testing and well, end-of-year EVERYTHING has set in!
My heart was saddened by principals dealing with “school closings”, “needed staff changes” that sent staff into turmoil, “stressed-out teachers”, “job security” worries, and staff members that liked to “criticize others” instead of finding the good in others. A Texas teacher exclaimed how “mega high stakes testing season is hard”. Yes, and amen to that! Despite the best leadership efforts, outside circumstances can take a toll on morale in the workplace.
I celebrated with those that were celebrating! 36% rated between 8-10 and a whopping 76% rated staff morale at level 6 or higher. That is amazing!!! Many principals took the time to share what “out-of-this-world wonderful” staffs they have. A principal from Ohio stated, “I have the BEST STAFF and FACULTY in the WORLD!” “And a principal in Iowa has a “very dedicated and tenacious group”. They were eager to share some platforms and the ways their teachers encourage each other. (More on this later.)
As a principal from Michigan exclaimed, “Kudos to their positive attitude!”
How is staff morale? Overall, it looks like principals, teachers, and the school communities are doing a good job.
I’d like to say, KUDOS to all the PRINCIPALS who responded. From the majority of your responses, it’s evident your presence, actions, and attitudes are making a difference in staff morale on your campuses. Thank you for all you do!!
Now…stick a fork in it! It’s time to rest!
Lead joyfully,
Gail Boulton
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